
Learn about some optional coverage types that will protect your condo and the possessions you store inside of it. 额外的保险种类将保护你的财产免遭盗窃, 自然灾害, 和破坏公物.


A standard policy will protect your possessions and factor in their depreciation. Replacement cost coverage provides additional coverage that a standard policy does not. It will pay for the full cost of replacing any stolen or severely damaged belongings.


如果你不打算长期住在公寓里, 您可以通过在您的保单中添加空置或未占用的保险范围而获益. 这种类型的保险将保护你的公寓,当你不在场.

如果有人闯入,你的保险将支付维修费用. 如果你的公寓损坏了 during a natural weather event, the coverage will pay for renovation costs.


如果你的公寓的管道系统出现故障,水损害保险将保护你的公寓. 保险范围包括更换材料, 劳动, 还有其他一些必需品,可以把公寓恢复到原来的状态.


首先进行检查和评估. An inspection of your condo will help you determine the level of coverage you need, and an assessment of how you use your living space will also help you pinpoint the type of condo insurance you need.


查看我们在澳博app下载提供的可选保险类型. 然后,澳博app在内华达州澳博app下载的代理商. The insurance agent will add the optional types of coverage to your current condo insurance policy.


如果你买了一套公寓, it’s important to know which insurance coverage the building provides and which coverages you need to provide. 在大多数情况下, a condo building requires you to have insurance coverage on the interior spaces of the condo. If you would like to learn more about condo insurance, please contact us at 澳博app下载. We provide 保险 products and services for the residents of the Las Vegas, NV区域.


大多数情况下, condo buildings require you to provide insurance coverage for your interior and contents, 而公寓大楼提供外部覆盖. 如果你想了解更多关于公寓保险的信息, 我们的代理人可以帮助您确定哪些保单适合您的需求. Our goal is to provide each customer with the best policy options to meet or exceed their needs.

We carefully assess your individual situation to determine what type of coverage or level of coverage is adequate to meet condo specifications and adequately prevent loss. If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you with policy selection, 请不要犹豫与我们联系. 我们不仅可以在选择政策方面提供支持, but we can also provide you with assistance for any changes during the lifetime of the policy or claim submissions.


If you would like to get answers to questions or assistance with policy selection, 请致电或亲临澳博app下载办公室, 它可能是为澳博app下载及其周边地区的居民服务的, NV区域. Don’t risk losses as a result of inadequate or missing condo insurance coverage. We are here to work with you to help you get the insurance coverage that provides peace of mind.


随着公寓在澳博app下载的兴起, NV区域, 我们澳博app下载经常被问到:我需要多少公寓保险? 答案取决于多种因素, 包括你公寓的类型和大小, 以及你可能需要的额外保险. 


The basic rule of thumb is to get enough coverage to cover both your personal belongings and your liability risk. 为您和您的需求确定合适的数量, it’s important to review the terms and conditions of your condo association agreement. Your agreement should provide information about what types of losses are covered by the association policy and what amount of coverage is required for each item. 

一旦你看过协议, you can then calculate how much additional coverage is needed to cover any gaps in coverage. This additional coverage could cover anything from damage caused by 自然灾害 or accidents to theft or vandalism. Depending on where you live and other factors such as whether you rent out your unit or use it as a short-term rental property, there may be other types of insurance that you should consider adding on top of basic liability protection. 

Taking into account these considerations will help ensure that all of your possessions are covered in case unexpected events occur. 例如, 如果一场大火烧毁了你在公寓里的所有财产, having adequate insurance would make sure that they are replaced at no extra cost to you.

It pays to review all options when considering how much insurance is necessary for your particular situation—and talking with an experienced agent can help make sure that all angles are taken into consideration when determining the best amount for you.


欲了解更多信息,请致电澳博app下载. 我们服务于内华达州澳博app下载地区.


在澳博app下载拥有一套公寓是梦想成真. 一旦你完成了你的梦想, 很难想象会发生什么事情打破这个梦想. 不幸的是, bad things do happen and when you have to file a claim with your insurance company it is never fun. 但如果你有一份房屋清单,就容易多了. 在澳博app下载的澳博app下载工作, NV, we are a full-service independent insurance agency with an experienced team to help you with all your insurance needs. 

如果你的公寓损坏了, 你失去了部分或全部财产, 你将被要求提供一些证据,证明你在损坏之前拥有什么. 在这种情况下, you may be rather traumatized by what has happened to you and trying to remember all the things you had before it happened. 更不用提从记忆中重建一切的时间了. 

提出索赔既不容易也不愉快, but it can be less stressful if you have an inventory you did prior to the damage. 你可以用图片和书面清单记录每个房间. 检查每一个抽屉、壁橱和橱柜. 拍一些照片,尤其是比较昂贵的物品. 将销售单据或发票附在该房间的页面上. 给出尽可能多的细节. 

For larger items like appliances and electronics, include brand, model, and serial number. If you have jewelry, art, or antiques, having an appraisal is important to prove the value. 一旦你的库存完成, place it in a safe place where you will be able to safely access it when your condo is damaged.

You don’t need to have an inventory but having one will save time and effort in the event you file a claim. 联系澳博app下载在澳博app下载,内华达州了解更多关于公寓保险.