
伞式保险通常被称为灾难性保险,因为它涵盖了高成本事件. Do you need an umbrella policy, or is your current coverage enough? At 澳博app下载 in Las Vegas, NV, we offer umbrella insurance policies. Let’s take a look at signs you should get an umbrella policy. 


Umbrella insurance typically has coverage limits of $1 million up to $10 million. If you are liable for a catastrophic event, 就像10辆车连环相撞, this policy will cover what your standard policy doesn’t. 


To qualify for umbrella insurance, you must have standard policies. 如果你有房屋和澳博app,你就有资格获得伞式保险. 然而, first, you’ll need the maximum coverage limits for your standard policies. 


伞式保险的目的是保护您免受超出当前保险限额的责任. You should consider an umbrella policy if you have $1 million in assets but $500,000美元的澳博app责任. 

如果你有能力支付费用的话, you are more likely to be sued and have a large judgment against you. 

You Are Concerned About Your Financial Future

What if your net worth doesn’t exceed your current policy limits? 你可能还需要雨伞保险. If there’s a judgment against you, it can also include future earnings. This means you may be paying the costs long after the event has occurred. 


雨伞保险通常会在你的主要保险政策终止的地方开始,并涵盖差额. 然而, it also covers things not covered in your standard policy. 这能让你内心平静. 


If you need umbrella coverage in Las Vegas, NV, contact us at 澳博app下载. 我们友好的代理人在这里讨论您的保险需求,并帮助您选择最好的政策. 

Four details you need to look at on your umbrella insurance policy

对于寻求更多财务保障的消费者来说,伞式保险是一种很好的金融产品. 在澳博app下载,我们为内华达州澳博app下载的消费者提供伞式保险.




伞形保险单规定了他们能提供的最大保险金额. 一般来说, 消费者应该购买足够的保护伞式保险,以覆盖其全部净资产. 

The coverage requirements that your primary policies must meet

伞形保险单通常规定投保人的主要保险单需要提供一定数量的保险. 确保你的家, 汽车, 和其他保险符合您的伞式保险政策中指定的保险范围要求. 

The coverage offered for legal defense expenses

法律费用是伞式保险政策需要涵盖的最重要的费用之一. That’s because you could face very high legal fees if you are sued.



一定要对索赔过程做一些研究,这样你就知道如果你需要使用伞式保险该怎么做. This will save time and minimize stress down the road. 


If you have questions about umbrella insurance in Las Vegas, NV, get in touch with us at 澳博app下载 to find the answers you’re looking for. 今天通过与我们联系获取政策报价,开始通往安全财务未来的道路!

How Is 伞式责任保险 Different from 首页 or 澳博app?

在澳博app下载,我们帮助澳博app下载, NV房主, 车主, 更多的是在不同类型的保险政策中找到适合他们独特需求的最佳计划. 我们经常收到的一个问题是伞式保险与家庭或澳博app有何不同. Although umbrella insurance might seem similar to home and 汽车 insurance, there are some key differences between these types of insurance policies.


伞式保险是一种保险政策,它在家庭或澳博app等其他政策上起到“保护伞”的作用. 换句话说,它涵盖了超出这些政策覆盖范围的成本. While every umbrella insurance policy is different, most are designed to cover liability expenses, medical expenses associated with liability, 甚至在某些情况下,当这些费用超出了主要保险的覆盖范围时,财产损失也会发生. 

一些伞式保险政策要求家庭或澳博app投保人在批准伞式保险之前拥有一定程度的家庭或澳博app. 整体, 伞式保险的目的是让用户在面对意外的紧急情况和困难时获得额外的财务安全感.

What’s the difference between umbrella insurance and home or 汽车 insurance?

The main difference is that umbrella insurance is not a primary policy. 这意味着如果你没有其他的保险,你就不能有伞式保险, 可以这么说. 伞式保险也只有在其他保单用尽后才开始偿还保单持有人. 这是一个备用选项, whereas home and 汽车 insurance are the users’ go-to insurance for filing a claim.



If you already have home and 汽车 policies, it’s important to know how much coverage you have in each. 经常, there is little liability protection in these policies, 这可能会让你在保单支付了它所能支付的费用后,容易受到额外费用的影响. 如果你想要更好的保险,伞式保险是一个很好的保护方式. And, it’s a more cost-effective way of adding more liability coverage. If you’re interested in this insurance protection, call us today at 澳博app下载 in Las Vegas, NV.



When you add more liability coverage directly onto your 汽车 and home policies, 它可能贵得令人望而却步. 当你有了保护伞政策, it is reasonably priced and adds to both of those policies at the same time. Whether there is an accident in your vehicle or in your home, this policy makes sure that you have the coverage you need for liability. It gives you peace of mind in knowing that you are well-covered.


事故发生后, 你的汽车或澳博app下载, 这取决于事故发生的地点, 来支付医疗费用和事故后的其他费用. When that policy maxes out, there may be bills left over that have to be paid. With umbrella insurance, that money doesn’t have to come from your own pocket. The policy will pay for those overages so that you won’t have to. 伞式保单的最高赔付额非常高,因此超过该金额的超额赔付不太可能. 


When you want better coverage for your home and vehicle, getting an umbrella policy is the responsible thing to do. If you’re interested in a policy, call us at 澳博app下载 in Las Vegas, NV.

Why is 伞式责任保险 Referred to as Gap 保险?

Most people think that their insurance is enough to cover their potential risk. 但没有人真正知道事故或其他事件会有多严重,以至于需要你为剩余的金额支付现金. 这可能会给你带来额外的开支,而你原以为你的保险会涵盖这些开支.

保险的目标是支付所有(而不是部分)的经济损失的一个特定事件,如汽车碰撞, 租赁保险, 还有家庭保险. But what if your current coverage is not enough?


Umbrella insurance (also referred to as "gap" insurance), kicks in to cover what your other insurance does not cover. 它可以增加各种情况的覆盖水平,如澳博app或住房保险, 或者它可能包括其他潜在风险的领域,如破坏或盗窃,其他政策不包括.



The 澳博app下载 does offer gap or umbrella insurance, 还有很多其他类型的保险. You can speak with them anytime if you live in the 内华达州澳博app下载 area. 他们专注于你的需求,他们认为每一个客户都像他们的家人一样重要.


决定你应该购买多少保险的最重要因素与你的风险水平有关. 想想你的日常活动, how much you drive or travel to other locations, 以及你投资的数量. 

Then turn to the experts with 澳博app下载, 报道澳博app下载, 为您的所有保险需求. Because today is the day to purchase insurance. 明天可能就太晚了.